"By ranchers, for ranchers, and for your family too!"
Retail Meats
Welcome to the Retail Meats Page! Here you can learn about the types of meat we sell at Table Rock Meat Company. Everything we sell has its own unique benefits and flavor so please feel free to peruse our products, reach out if you have questions, and find the perfect product that fits your needs!
Please call (509) 730-1222 to see what we have in stock and to place your order. Most steaks come in packs of 2 so please keep that in mind while placing your order. Ground beef/bison typically comes in 1 lb. packages. Prices vary based on the weight of the final package. Please note, prices are subject to change so please give us a call for our most current prices!

Grain Finished Beef
Similar to our Grass Finished Beef, our Grain Finished Beef are "grass fed" before being finished out. That means the cattle we sell are raised on a ranch with plenty of pasture before being finished for the last 90-120 days. Each rancher has their own grain mix, but all Grain Finished Beef is finished out on grain and hay for a minimum of 90 days. Grain Finished Beef has more fat and therefore a richer and tastier flavor than grass finished beef since most "beefy" flavor comes from fat.

Bison (Buffalo)
Table Rock Meat Co. is lucky to also be able to offer locally raised Bison! Bison is a healthy alternative to beef since it is leaner and averages around 25% fewer calories per serving than beef. Bison meat has a similar taste to beef, but has a lighter and more delicate flavor that some call earthy. The earthly flavor comes from a higher iron content found in bison compared to beef, but this is not overwhelming and bison is not gamey like deer, elk or moose.
Individual Pricing
Looking for a nice steak or some burger to make dinner with? We have individually packaged beef (typically two steaks in a package) for sale in all three categories - grass finished Angus, grain finished Angus, and bison. Grab a pack of Tenderloins for a fancy date night at home, some T-bones for some backyard grilling, or a few packages of hamburger for dinner any night of the week!
Chuck Roast ...................... $8.99/lb.
Ribeye Steaks .................... $16.99/lb.
Rib Steaks .......................... $15.99/lb.
Tenderloin ........................... $21.99/lb.
New York Steaks ................. $15.99/lb.
T-Bone Steaks ..................... $16.99/lb.
Top Sirloin ............................ $9.99/lb.
Ground Beef ...................... .. $5.99/lb.
Soup Bones .......................... $6.99/lb.
Burger Patties ........................$6.50/lb.

Looking for something that will last longer than just a night or two? Get one of our boxed sets! Perfect for filling a shelf in your freezer. You get the benefit of fresh, local meat without having to commit to a whole custom animal or having to come into the shop every other day to restock. Below are the options we offer.
BBQ Bundle
2 Ribeye Steaks
2 Top Sirloin Steaks
6 Burger Patties
1 Pack of Brats
$75 for Angus
Steak Bundle
2 Rib Steaks
2 Tenderloin Steaks
2 New York Steaks
2 Top Sirloin Steaks
$100 for Angus
Breakfast Bundle
2 lbs. Breakfast Sausage
1 lb. Bacon
1 Dozen Eggs
$23 for Angus
Family Bundle
1 Chuck Roast
4 Cube Steaks
3 lbs. Stew Meat
5 lbs. of Burger
$95 for Angus